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Agronomics Services Ltd
Sports Turf Nutrition
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Wolves Seminar Success

Wayne Lumbard, Head Groundsman for Wolverhampton Wanderers FC jointly hosted an Educational Seminar with Agronomic Services Ltd on Monday 20th October.
The highlight of the day was when the visiting Groundsmen, Greenkeepers and members of the trade were able to walk through the tunnel flanked by supersized players' mural on the tunnel walls and the opportunity to inspect the pitch, which was immaculate. 
Wayne then shared with the delegates how he has created such a superb playing surface combining foliar spraying, good groundsmanship skills, lighting technology and Agronomic Services Products.  Always keen to stress that the results are a team effort and every member of Wayne's team work, both at the training grounds and the Molineux Stadium
Jason Booth of the IOG was the guest speaker highlighting exciting future plans for education and industry standards.  David Snowden conducted Educational Seminars relating to the Importance of Oxygen, Beneficial Bacteria, and an integrated approach to turf management.  
"I learnt a heck of a lot from your presentation (as did the audience). Wayne was outstanding – as was his pitch" said Jason.
Delegates also had the opportunity to ask questions and see the machinery used on a day to day basis at the Molineux Stadium as well as a foliar spray Q & A session conducted by Paul Littlehales.
Invited guests represented all sectors of the industry including schools, colleges, golf courses and football.  With representation from Roger Butler of BIGGA raising awareness for the Continue to Learn Education Programme.  Jason Booth, Dan Prest, Kevin Duffill and Will Graves represented the IOG
Delegates commented "a very enjoyable and informative day".  "Thanks to Wayne Lumbard for allowing us onto your stunning pitch"

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